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      Mediation Attorney in Hendersonville, Tennessee

      What Is Mediation?

      Mediation is a voluntary process that can often be utilized by parties who have a dispute to resolve their conflict. Oftentimes, mediation can assist the parties and minimize court involvement by allowing them to negotiate their own agreement, without the necessity of expensive and relationship damaging litigation.

      Successful mediation is conducted by a neutral third party who acts as a moderator and a tool for the parties to achieve their own agreement. Mediation is geared toward encouraging communication between the parties and allowing them to craft their own resolution based upon their own individual needs or the needs of their family.

      Move Forward Confidently

      Many believe that mediated settlements are much more family-oriented and permit the individual families to develop a routine that works for their family. Parties who mediate, rather than litigate, appear to be more satisfied with the process than those who are “court-ordered” to perform a specific way.

      Mediation can be conducted before a court action has been filed. It can be utilized to avoid litigation and resolve divorce issues (including asset and custody matters) as an alternative to the Court system. Some parenting plans even include a provision that requires parties to return to mediation to attempt settlement prior to filing a court action.

      Ms. Garner has successfully mediated numerous family disputes, employer/employee disputes, asset distribution, and custody arrangements. With much care, dedication, concern, and professionalism, we can assist you with your mediation.